About Us

About Us

ASRITHA is a not-for-profit and non-governmental organization based in Hyderabad, India: registered under Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act XXXV of 2001 (Reg. No: 429 / 2004). It was established on 25th of April 2004 to provide services and protect the children, living in difficult circumstances in Hyderabad. It works towards enriching the lives of children in marginalised communities andprotect their fundamental rights. ASRITHA believes that children are the building-blocks of the society, every child needs a safe and secured place for their development. The children are rescued from unsafe living conditions and provided a safe environment that helps them to accomplish their life goal and live with dignity in the society.


A well-ordered system is an asset that enhances the quality of our work. The organization has all the legal documents that are required in the process of implementing an organization. Qualitative documentation is maintained well. Timely reporting and process documentation helps us to bring-out the best outcome. An efficient financial system that we have makes us more accountable in the process of reaching-out needy.

Our Vision

To create a child friendly and caring society where all children can access and enjoy their rights to lead their life with dignity.

Our Mission

To provide a safe and secure environment for children in need of care and protection by creating access to their basic rights such as shelter, health and nutrition, quality education, recreational and life skills development through mobilising support and active participation of civil society.

Our Goal

Empowering lives through compassionate support.

Our Missions

Building a better future through collective action.

Our Achievement

Making a positive impact on countless lives.

Our Dream

Creating a world where everyone thrives.